All your questions
How does it all work?
Our ecosystem is very simple. We are building a better future.
- You join with an email and password. This gives you access to the ecosystem: buying, selling, transferring Land Units, voting and various other features now and in the future.
- After you join you can immediately buy Units with a click, under "Buy/Sell/Transfer" from the drop down menu.
- With the money you spend on Land Units, we buy land, regenerate and develop that land sustainably. Cultivation is organic, with no harmful pesticides, pollutants, chemicals. Development is sustainable, using minimum materials, energy and reducing CO2 as well as many other environmentally friendly actions. That is good for the climate, the world and healthy for you.
- Your Land Units increase in value at a stable 7.5% per year, every day and every year, based on the increasing value of land in the long term.
- After completing your profile, you may transfer or sell your Land Units to the next buyer at the current price (7.5% higher every year). You simply enter the number of Units and click confirm - everything else is automated by our ecosystem.
The process is simplified and de-risked, so you always sell at the current price. Therefore you always get 7.5% increase per year/ Plus every single buyer wants the same product that you are selling.
If more than one person sells some Land Units at the same time, then the sales happen fairly – the first order entered, is the first to be sold.
Most of our community members hold their Units for the long term and buy more as time goes on, only selling Units as needed, so together we continue to build a better, healthier world.
What is a Land Unit? What is its purpose?
A Land Unit is a Unit that you can buy, sell and transfer in the Quantum2 ecosystem. Its value increases automatically at 7.5% per year, based on the long term value of land.
The purpose of the Land Unit is to make an impact on society and the environment by allowing us to purchase and manage land sustainably as well as increasing value for its holders, thereby changing the basic nature of money and work in society. (see our Mandate for more details)
Is the Land Unit a piece of Land which I own?
No. A Land Unit represents a unit value (like a dollar), not a piece of land. Land Unit holders do not own land, use the land or have a right to land which we buy with Land Unit sales. The land is bought to be held and managed sustainably thereby improving the environment and society.
How do you use the money from the sale of Land Units?
With the funds we receive through the sale of Land Units, we purchase land, which we manage sustainably.
The new land we purchase is valued and 100% of the land valuation is allocated to be managed sustainably - nothing is lost to management fees or any other costs.
As we sell more Land Units and buy more land, the process repeats and our impact on the world increases.
How do you make money?
Our main focus is on developing the ecosystem and our shared future, however, we charge our own small fee (around £1/$1) for each purchase and sale of units. Credit card companies, payment providers, banks and others may charge additional fees, but we do not receive that. We are also able to earn around 2% on the land we hold and when we buy land, any discount we receive on the land purchase price compared to the land valuation covers costs and development.
What if you go out of business?
Simply said, a company goes out of business when costs are higher than income and assets are less than zero.
Most of the new land we buy generates 2% per year income. That means £5,000,000 of land on average generates £100,000 income.
At the time of writing, the costs for basic maintenance of our ecosystem are under £100,000 per year and we own land assets over £5,000,000.
In addition, we receive a small fee for each transaction and any discount we negotiate when buying land.
On the next £5,000,000 of land, we will earn around 2%, which is £100,000. This more than covers maintaining our ecosystem at a basic level.
However, even if we do nothing at all, receive zero income and sell no Land Units for 50 years, we would not go out of business since our assets cover the costs - £100,000* 50 = £5,000,000.
What are the benefits of Land Units?
Solutions in the Quantum2 ecosystem are holistic. What that means is that our products, like Land Units, are designed to have benefits across multiple areas – economic, environmental and social.
Land Units benefit you financially, as well as benefiting the environment, society and help develop our ecosystem and future vision of World 2.0.
In more detail, we list the benefits as follows:
- Land Units are simple, easy to buy, easy to understand and our ecosystem is easy to work with.
- Your Land Units increase by 7.5% each year, increasing your wealth.
- Every purchase of Land Units allows us, the community, to buy more land and manage it sustainably, avoiding pollutants, pesticides, climate effects, being organic, improving and maintaining healthy nature, biosystems and/ or developing the land in a friendly and resource efficient way.
- Assuming you use a bank transfer for payment, the fees to buy Land Units are extremely low (around 1.5 AUD/1 EURO/ 1 USD).
- By buying Land Units you become part of the Quantum2 ecosystem, may become actively involved and help to develop a better future.
- As our ecosystem develops and becomes more widely used, and as you buy more Land Units, since Land Units increase in value unlike money which decreases in value, you can buy more products without needing to work. Therefore you may choose to work in any job you want for any period of time, improve yourself or spend your time how you choose.
- You may transfer Land Units with no cost to anyone in any location.
- When you join and Buy Units, you immediately have a positive effect, helping to re-engineer the economy, society and environment to build a better future.
Our Community
Our community is core to the Quantum2 ecosystem. We are building a better future together.
From reading about and spreading the word, encouraging more people to join, voting and being part of our decisions on what to build next and helping develop the ecosystem itself, there are many great ways to become involved.
Why do Land Units increase by 7.5%
Land Units increase in value each day, at a stable 7.5% per year based on our intelligent algorithm. The algorithm increases the value of Land Units according to our research and experience of the long term increase in land value.
We all know that land value increases over time. Studies show that land increases in value more than other products in the long term (see our Mandate for more details on this).
Why we ‘choose’ land ?
Land is understandable, not complex and it can be seen and touched. It is the basis of all production. With land we can meet many of our goals to improve the environment and society. This is why we have chosen land as the basis for increasing Land Units by 7.5% per year.
How do I sell Land Units?
Land Units are sold efficiently by the ecosystem on your behalf when you enter a sales order on the Buy/Sell/Transfer page. It is simpler and more secure than other existing systems because:
- the price is always fixed at the current price today (increasing 7.5% per year). The value always increases and there is no price negotiation. You always get the maximum value.
- Everyone joining our ecosystem who buys Land Units, buys the same Land Units. This is different than other systems, such as buying and selling shoes or shares or cars, where there are many options. Every single buyer wants what you are selling.
- You are not competing against other sellers, your sale order is put in and it goes out when buyers buy units, in a fair manner. First in, First out.
- Everything is made to be very simple and achieve your goal. The only variable factor is time.
How do Land Units help change the nature of work and money in society?
As an individual, by holding enough Land Units, you will not need to work for money because Land Units increase in value allowing you to buy more products each year. Instead, you may choose what you want to do. You may work only when and how you want to, and for the goals you believe in. Without doubt this will mean you are less stressed and able to spend more time on health, family, personal development and community.
Eventually in our future scenario, when sufficient people work for pleasure rather than money, there will be no need to pay them, or shareholders. Companies will not need to focus on earning profit. No one chooses to cut down the rainforest or pollute the seas, it is done because it is cheaper and increases profit. Removing the need for profit removes the need for much damage to the environment and our own health.