
Terms & Conditions

Accepted by the community of Quantum2 on 06.10.23

Terms of Agreement between Quantum2.io and its Users

These terms and conditions apply to all individuals and enterprises (hereinafter referred to as "Users") who have registered as users of Quantum2.io or Quantum ecosystem (hereinafter referred to as "Quantum2"), and govern the legal relationships arising from the use of services available on Quantum2 between the Users and Quantum2 community and related individuals and legal entities.

General Terms of Service

Quantum2 provides Users with a virtual space, namely Quantum2.io, where Users can interact with Quantum2 ecosystem including purchasing products. To conduct transactions, the User must create a user account.

All communication and information exchange between the User and Quantum2 take place in electronic form according to the Terms and Conditions or the contact information provided to any party, unless otherwise specified in the Terms.

“Quantum2” and all related copyrights are the property of Quantum2.

User Rights and Obligations:

  • provide complete and accurate personal data when registering as a user of the Quantum2, including registering under their correct and full name and using a valid email address and telephone number;
  • have only one user account for Quantum2 activity;
  • keep the fixed password and username for Quantum2 safe so that it does not fall into the hands of third parties;
  • immediately inform Quantum2 of the loss or transfer of the fixed password and/or username for Quantum2 use to third parties.

With each action on Quantum2, the User confirms that they:
  • are a legally competent person with the right to conduct transactions on the Quantum2;
  • properly fulfil all obligations set out in these Terms;
  • are aware that making a purchase/sale transaction results in a binding obligation/contract, and if the User fails to fulfil this obligation, they are fully responsible for any damages caused by the breach of the obligation;
  • are aware that if the fixed password and username for Quantum2 use fall into the hands of third parties, such third parties may undertake binding obligations on behalf of the User, and the User is responsible for fulfilling those obligations, and Quantum2 is not obligated to further verify the identity of Quantum2 user (in addition to the username and password);
  • are aware and agree that Quantum2 has the right to process the User's personal data in accordance with the applicable laws in each jurisdiction and as provided in these Terms;
  • if the User is under 18 years of age, they confirm that they have the consent of their legal representative to enter into transactions associated with the offer to exchange/buy/sell and assume related obligations with each action on Quantum2;
  • the User agrees to pay all fees for the Services/ Products used to Quantum2's bank account or other account as indicated.

Quantum2 Rights and Obligations

  • Quantum2 has the right to restrict or cancel the User's right to use Quantum2, to modify the information provided by the User on Quantum2, or to close the User's account, and not allow them to register as a User again if the User:
  • violates these Terms or the User's obligations arising from these Terms;
  • violates the Community rules or policies or acts against Quantum2 mandate;
  • has provided false, misleading, and/or inaccurate information when registering as a user of Quantum2 or using Quantum2;
  • operates on Quantum2 under multiple usernames with multiple user accounts; knowingly and intentionally spreads false information regarding Quantum2, offends others in any way, or behaves indecently;
  • acts illegally or suspiciously with regards to valid legal activities;
  • in these cases, there will be no refunds and purchases and any open activities remain chargeable.
  • Quantum2 is entitled at any time to revert or cancel a User's account if a User’s actions are in conflict with the Terms, Community guidelines, or applicable laws and no refunds will be applied.
  • Quantum2 has the right to request the User to pay the fee for using the Services or Products.

  • The data that Quantum2 has obtained from a User when registering as a user of Quantum2 and during the use of Quantum2 or data that is collected about the User in some other way during the use of Quantum2 (hereinafter referred to as Personal Data) may be used by Quantum2 to provide the Services/ Products, develop the Services, and personalize the Services/ Products.
  • Quantum2 does not pass Personal Data on to third parties or disclose it, except in cases specified in Terms or as notified.

Changing the Terms

Quantum2 reserves the right to unilaterally modify and supplement the Terms, Fees and Prices at any time, to reflect the development of Quantum2 and Services/Products and to improve their use for the benefit of the Users.

Quantum2 undertakes to inform the User of changes and supplements to the Terms and Prices by updating this document or publishing the relevant notices on the Quantum2. Changes and supplements to the Terms and Prices take effect upon their publication on Quantum2 and no further notification to individual users is required.

Final Provisions

The legal relationships arising from the use of Quantum2 between the User and QUANTUM2 are governed by the laws of the jurisdiction in which Quantum2 is operating, registered or active. The Terms are valid upon their publication and remain in effect (but may be updated and adjusted) during the duration of the legal relationships regulated by the Terms. The User has the right to withdraw from the Terms within 14 days of registering on Quantum2, and the User also has the right to terminate the legal relationships regulated by the Terms at any time, provided that the User fulfils all their valid current and future obligations to Quantum2 in advance.



An order is equivalent to a purchase-sale agreement between the us and you which takes effect upon payment of the (first) invoice.

By placing an order, the individual agrees to abide by the following terms for all physical, electronic, or conceptual products ordered.

Our responsibility is limited to the production of the purchased product. Quantum2 is not responsible for the actual distribution of the product, which is a service procured from a distribution entity and is not part of this agreement. However, we will do our best to ensure that the distribution entity fulfils its duties.

The User must ensure the following:

The delivery address/working and large enough capacity email/ (bank) account details and other relevant user details provided are accurate and correspond to the actual data.

You may update our details on the Profile Page within Quantum2.

Once the purchase is made, there is no right to cancel or receive a refund.

Quantum2 has the right to terminate the services or revoke the products at any time if the subscriber fails to comply with any terms, violates the law, the Community rules or does not pay the required fees or for other reasons listed in this document. In such cases, no refunds will be issued.

The contract is considered valid whether it is agreed upon electronically, by telephone or in writing.

The prices on Quantum2 are subject to value-added tax, unless calculated or stated otherwise.

Terms for Information Exchange

Receiving Information can be (automatically) joined through Quantum2’s registration page.

Information may be sent to subscribers, but Quantum2 does not make any promises or guarantees regarding the timing, frequency, or content of the information sent.

By registering, the User agrees to receive the information and agrees to receive any marketing, advertising, and other correspondence related to Quantum2 or third parties.

It is not possible to unsubscribe from receiving information.

In addition, the User agrees to the storage and processing of their personal data in accordance with Quantum2’s privacy and data processing policy.


The User has the right to submit complaints about any products or services within 7 days after the issue arises by sending an email to us.

All complaints will be reviewed within 60 days, and, if relevant – at the discretion of Quantum2 community, a response will be sent to the complainant. All responses and decisions will be communicated in accordance with the Community’s applicable regulations, and the decisions are final.

General Comments

Quantum2 reserves the right to unilaterally change the terms of any service or product at any time. Users are obligated to regularly monitor the terms posted on Quantum2. Changes to the terms will take effect for all previous and new agreements immediately on the change being posted on Quantum2.

Quantum2 has the right to modify the prices of products or services at any time. Price adjustments for orders will take effect at the point of purchase.

Quantum2 has the right to suspend partially or entirely the provision of any product or service at any time. In such cases, the User will not receive a refund.

All published or provided products or services retain Quantum2’s copyrights, and all intellectual property rights remain with Quantum2, regardless of how materials, products, or services are conveyed. The transmitted information is not considered public domain but is part of a bilateral agreement between Quantum2 and the User for the transmission and receipt of information. Relevant materials, products, and services may not be reused or copied without the explicit consent of the Community. All objects protected by copyright as well as other materials, products and services must include references to the original source, article, document, or object, as well as that Quantum2 is the original author.

Copying, modifying, or transmitting materials, products, services, or information is prohibited.

In case of non-compliance with the above rules, a fine of €5,000 per violation will be imposed, in addition to any damage caused to Quantum2.

Quantum2 does not disclose or guarantee the availability of services or products, and may change or suspend services or products at any time without the obligation to inform the User. Quantum2 is not liable for resulting damages and does not assume financial responsibility. Changes will appear in this document and it is the User's responsibility to periodically check for updates or announcements published by Quantum2.

Quantum2 is not responsible for delays, restrictions, service errors, or undelivered materials, products or services. Quantum2 does not compensate for damages or issue refunds when damages are caused.

Quantum2 is not responsible for temporary or permanent disruptions resulting from its equipment, products, or services.

Any questions related to the above terms can be sent to us.