
Privacy Policy

Accepted by the community of Quantum2 on 06.10.23 (v0.1c)

Quantum2 has committed to protecting the privacy of its Users. In line with this commitment, Quantum 2 has developed the following principles of its privacy policy, which address the collection, use, disclosure, transmission, and storage of User data. Its online activities are in accordance with all relevant practices and applicable laws of the jurisdiction chosen at its discretion and at the discretion of the Community.

Collection and Use of Personal Data

Personal data is the data that is collected while fulfilling a contract with an individual or when contacting them. The collection of a permanent User's personal data can occur in the following ways:

  • When providing contact information (including name, personal identification data, postal address, telephone number, email address, preferred method of contact) to Quantum2 or elsewhere.
  • Using Quantum2, by accessing the User's account information or through cookies or other similar technical means.
  • When making a purchase or order, storing data related to the User's contact information or purchase preferences (Quantum2 may request the voluntary provision of personal data and personal information in certain sections of Quantum2. The required personal data may include name, address, postal code, email address, phone number, and other information).

  • Collection of Other Data

    Quantum 2 also collects non-personal data – data that cannot be directly linked to a specific individual (such as gender, age, language preference, location). Quantum2 may collect data on generalized User activities on the Quantum2 and in surveys. These data are aggregated and used to provide more useful information. In this privacy policy, aggregated data is referred to as non-personal data. Quantu2 collects data regarding all transactions and the details of those transactions such as the date, parties involved and similar.

    Use of Collected Personal Data

    Through the collected personal data, Quantum2 can inform Users of various information, or other data. A User who does not wish to receive notifications about each specific product of interest can remove themselves from that email/contact at any time, by deleting their account, but general information must always be possible to send and so all Users remain on our general contact list. Collected personal data is also used for fulfilling obligations to the User. For better User service, we may disclose information about individual users to a third party that provides services to us and is contractually obligated to keep shared information confidential.

    Modifying Collected Personal Data

    The personal data collected for User identification and communication can be viewed, modified, and updated either via Quantum2 or in some cases by contacting us. If there is a change in the email, this should be immediately updated.


    All User personal data obtained during visits to Quantum2, is treated as confidential information. Encrypted data transmission channels with banks ensure the security of the purchaser's personal data and bank details.

    Privacy Policy Terms and Changes

    By using Quantum2, the User acknowledges and agrees to these principles and terms. We reserve the right to modify the general terms of the privacy policy when necessary by updating these documents but without the necessity to inform each User directly.

    For any questions or concerns regarding the privacy policy or data processing, please contact us.