Australia: Cleaner Crops = Better Returns: Quantum2 Land Units combat pesticides and pollution while providing a 7.5% return per year

Even though Aussies have a reputation for growing clean food, the country ranks among the top global users of pesticides1.

For example, compared to the UK, Australia permits 144 instead of 73 highly hazardous pesticides2

The Guardian1 has raised significant concerns among consumers and health experts. 

Pesticides are making us sick

It is well known3 that pesticides have been connected to many modern diseases, including cancers, neurodegenerative diseases (including Parkinson’s), leukaemia and many others.

A solution exists

Quantum2, has introduced Land Units to solve these issues while still giving buyers a great return of 7.5% per year. 

With the funds received from Land Units, Quantum2 buys and manages land in a sustainable way without harmful pesticides, pollutants, or chemical. The more buyers, the more land we improve. Our approach ensures that the produce grown on the lands is safe and healthy for consumers. 

Quantum2Land Units not only ensure organic agriculture and sustainable development, but also offer financial benefits to their holders. These units increase in value at a fixed rate of 7.5% per year, providing a stable and predictable return. 

That’s means you can achieve financial growth while contributing to sustainable land management and environmental preservation – improving the world. 

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Information about us

Quantum2: is something completely new. Our ecosystem and our community members are building a better future, by doing things the way they should be done. Our first product to achieve this goal is a Land Unit which delivers you increasing value every day, at a fixed 7.5% per year, building a new social structure while the proceeds are used to buy land and manage that sustainably — without pollution, harmful chemicals and pesticides, organic production, and development with minimum resources, energy, water and reducing CO2 and waste.

Incremental changes, politics and fundraisers will never be sufficient to change the status quo. There are too many vested interests, too much money, too many politicians and laws supporting it. Unfortunately with this support, they promote pollution, climate change, profit-driven environmental damage, wars, social disparity and all the other problems we see today.

A completely new ecosystem is required — a revolution rather than an evolution.

Therefore, step-by-step we are re-engineering economics, society and our approach to the environment from the ground up — from the Quantum level. We do this at first, by introducing new products and solutions which are holistic — they contain benefits and values which inherently improve not only finance but economic, social and environmental factors together, and do not trade one off against the other. A revolutionary way of thinking: Quantum2.

Reference list

  1. The Guardian (27 Sep 2022). Australian food is grown with dangerous chemicals banned in other countries. The Guardian.
  2. UN environment programme. Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs).
  3. Health and Environment Alliance. The impact of harmful pesticides on people’s health and the environment.