Project Status Added to the Quantum2 Ecosystem

As requested by popular vote from our members, on 20th June we added projects and project status to the Quantum ecosystem.
All our community members can now see a series of projects we are undertaking and planning for the future. They can also see the project progress in terms of time, budget and quality.
This is useful to see what is happening but it also supports our goal of a politician-free society. When voting leads directly to projects run by project managers, there is no need for an extra layer of politicians to debate and decide direction – we give the power directly to the people.
In the future, we will vote on more interactivity for our members. For example, should everyone be able to see more details about the projects and comment or vote on those projects, for example, if we running late, members may feel it is beneficial to add new project members or it may be decided to change direction? – our revolution is gaining speed – Join now.