Quantum2 Land Units vs Ethical Investments vs Sustainable Investments vs Green Investments
We have been asked us whether or not Quantum2 Land Units are an ethical investment. Essentially Land Units are not an investment in any traditional sense but “Ethical Investment” may be a close comparison. Land Units can be better understood as an investment in the original sense of the word. Originally an investment is something you do to get a result, for example you invest your time chopping wood to have a fire in the winter, or you invest effort into creating a new solution which is good for people and good for the planet.
But about Ethical Investments. There are various Ethical Investments on the market and many of them unfortunately are not very ethical. Either that or sacrifice financial result for a green result — one thing loses out to the other. Like most marketing terms, this has been overused and greenwashed. It is similar with words like sustainability. It is almost fashionable and required, today, to say your investment is green, sustainable or ethical.
Land Units are not washed in any way. Quantum2 is an ecosystem that aims to create a better future by re-thinking and re-engineering economics, society and the environment. In this case it means creating holistic solutions and products like Land Units, which inherently contain and satisfy the positive values and activities we need to undertake to create a better future. At the same time they do not sacrifice financial result, but rather their social and environmental credentials build upon and enhance the financial results.
This is something different.
Land Units have been designed to generate a stable 7.5% return every year which leads towards financial independence and simple financial planning and eventually positive social change. At the same time funds from the sale of Land Units by land which we manage sustainably to reduce CO2, pollution, pesticides and minimise resource, material and energy usage.
For more information on Land Units, see our article “What are Land Units and Why are they all good?”.
So are Land Units an ethical investment? They are certainly ethical, sustainable and green according to the true meanings of those words. If investment is about getting results for a better future, a healthier planet and a wealthier and less stressed society, while still giving a solid, stable return to their holders, then we could say Land Units are both good and generate results. Perhaps they are even the best option out there.