Silent Killers: The Human Toll Of Pesticide Use

It’s no secret that pesticides are harmful to humans and the environment. According to the World Health Organization (1), pesticides are inherently toxic to many organisms, including us. This begs the question: why do we continue to use them? Why do we rely on something that endangers our health?
The decisions to use pesticides often come from those prioritising profit over health. To grow more crops and prevent insect damage, farmers and big companies opt for pesticides that, while effective and convenient, are dangerous. When we see perfect, shiny apples or orange carrots with strong green leaves at the store, we rarely consider which dangerous chemicals might be inside them. And so, we continue to buy and consume them – at the same time consuming more and more harmful chemicals.
The interesting thing is that some studies are now appearing which show that organic farming can actually deliver higher yields and so be both healthier for the environment, ourselves and more profitable. When done correctly, after a few years of recovery, land can yield better results, especially in certain categories of produce.
For example, research done by the Rodale Institute indicates that organic farming systems match or outperform conventional production in yield, while providing a range of agricultural, economic, and environmental benefits for farmers, consumers, and society. In addition, it also shows that organic corn yields are more sustainable and consistent – they have been 31 percent higher than conventional production in drought years. The study explains how organic systems can be more profitable than conventional systems (2).
The consequences of conventional farming can be significant. Headaches, fatigue, cancer, and brain tumours are just a few of the health issues linked to pesticide exposure. Farm workers, exposed to these chemicals daily, face even greater risks but have little choice as they need to earn a living. The human toll of pesticide use is high and we are paying it.
There is an alternative. We need to make a strategic change and see a future where we have zero pesticides, zero herbicides and dangerous chemicals. It is possible, but not unless we take action to achieve it
At Quantum2, we believe in a sustainable future and have a solution to achieve it. With our Land Units product, we undertake sustainable land management, including organic farming while still ensuring that members of our ecosystem benefit from a 7.5% increase in value. We eliminate dangerous pesticides, herbicides, plastic and chemicals – removing the risks to human health. At the same time, everyone in our ecosystem increases their wealth. All solutions should be like this.
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Reference list
1.World Health Organization. Questions and answers.
2.Rodale Institute. Farming Systems Trial.