
Quantum2 Mandate

The mandate describes the reasons and intentions behind the Quantum2 ecosystem. It outlines the community goals, future vision and the first steps to achieve those goals.

On Belief

We believe that many people are not happy with the world. Every day there are more rules and restrictions which are followed only by some and not applicable to others, the climate is changing for the worse, there are more, not less, corrupt and lying politicians, less freedoms, in some cases during Covid even to visit your friends. Underlying social problems and unrest are on the rise, perhaps there are human-created deadly viruses but certainly work is being done on species-threatening biology. We see poor treatment of people and animals, pollution and destruction of nature and the oceans, less fresh air, less clean water, less space, mass produced and chemically infused foods that are unhealthy for us. The systems are disintegrating, as more people are using clever advisers to avoid taxes and laws, which only some need to pay, We are ingesting, washing, cleaning and putting on products containing dangerous chemicals, plastics and other substances which build up inside us, likely causing diseases and health concerns such as cancer. There is genetic modification with little understanding of what these mutations will lead to, inequality in wealth is leading to different classes of life with some people who have it all and some who have nothing, to name just a few problems that continue to get worse. The current system is not how humanity should live.

We believe this means many people are not satisfied with their life and the direction we are all going. We would like to pursue our true interests - not work for money, but on what we want, in a clean and healthy environment, where we are not undervalued, not tired, not doing jobs which do not fulfil us, in pursuit of products we do not need. Where we are free to choose work which can improve society, our interests, our body, our mind, our skills and our contribution to humanity.

We believe there can be a better future but not with our current broken system. It is fantasy to think we can make it better. There are too many laws, too much complexity, inertia and too many powerful vested interests who benefit from the status quo.

The solution is something new.

On Progress

Quantum2 is an eco-system to realise this. Step by step. It allows us to fundamentally re-engineer the economy, society and our approach to the environment from the quantum (or smallest unit) level.

The first small step in the Quantum2 eco-system is centred on holding land – the original basis of all life and production in the world.

We facilitate this using Land Units which we buy. Land Units are something completely new. In essence they are a representation of value, but also much more. Using our intelligent algorithm, Land increases in value over time, pegged to the long term increasing value of the land itself already owned and which we continue to buy as Land Units are sold. When buying and holding Land Units, our nominal wealth increases over time. Therefore, simply by holding enough Land Units, from the perspective of our ecosystem, we will be able to acquire what we need for life through the increasing value of those Land Units. Therefore we will not need to work for money, instead we may choose what we want to do. We may work only when and how we want to, and for the goals we believe in. Naturally there is a transition period of the existing system, land is accrued in the system and more people buy Land Units while the system itself develops.

Land Units will be used for exchange inside our ecosystem. Finally, while we will still need such a Unit of value as Land Units, money in the sense that we understand it now, will not be necessary.

On Self-organising Work

By freeing our time from work, we have time to take more positive actions, as we choose, which for a number of people will mean a focus on the community and continuing to re-engineer society and support the environment.

In addition, for those who choose and are qualified, the Quantum2 eco-system can provide jobs developing and supporting the system itself. Depending on the task, these jobs can be undertaken in any location and for any amount of time. Many of the jobs are self-organising and as the ecosystem expands so do the number and opportunity of those jobs. As one example, we, as users of the system require help, ideas to be implemented, support or the system itself requires updates, maintenance and development. When working for others, the payment for this work is provided by other users of the ecosystem, to those who are helping them. The value of the service itself can be determined between the provider and beneficiary and may include a bonus if the work is specifically valued. This is a peer-to-peer based economy, managed, updated, regulated and implemented by ourselves as users of the system. People are able to pay each other using Land Units, if they choose, which then further increase in value. Those who are good at a task are rewarded appropriately and this self-regulation allows us to find the tasks and interests which suit us, based on results and determined by ourselves, rather than negatively forced upon us by others who determine our role. Thus individuals may focus their time on their own choices, for example, becoming the best they can both physically and mentally or supporting the development of our community. Everyone benefits by doing what they choose to do.

Personal perfection replaces Consumerism. A Greek ideal?

Clearly the current system which encourages work for the accrual of material goods and profit is inherently bad for our health and the health of the world. Production of more and more goods depletes global resources, essentially destroying our world piece by piece and encourages pollution and damage to the environment since it is cheaper (and thus more profitable) to pollute than not. As we work harder and our life’s focus is on bigger houses, faster cars and ever more dresses, shoes and other goods, we see there is less time to spend on our own personal enrichment, development and perfection. With our new ecosystem, we could instead spend time to become better physically, mentally, act for the benefit of our community and realise our own achievements and while not everyone would necessarily make that choice, certainly without the pressures of working to feed your family and the socially or profit-driven and systemic necessity to pollute or collect more and more goods, more of us would choose a positive direction for the environment and the community. Because this is how we want to live as a race - our natural drive to perfection, care rather than destruction of the environment, animals and each other – life is naturally supported by and supports the development by the Quantum2 ecosystem.

On Growth

When new members join and buy Land Units, their nominal wealth in terms of the value of these Land Units increases and it allows us to buy more land. We can be sure that the land we hold will not be polluted or destroyed because we own it and manage it according to core community principles. It is managed in a way which does not damage the environment or the climate. It is sustainably managed, for food, housing, or other sustainable production – as required for life. Immediately. Initially in a small way, but over time, as we become larger landowners, we will be able to choose the use for increasing amounts of land, a larger part of the world and step-by-step, be able to influences and re-direct the economy.

Because we are part of the ecosystem, over time, we, the users of our ecosystem will continue to build new applications for ourselves and others to use which expand Quantum2 into different fields. We will go much further than the initial step of Land Units. A number of these steps are planned and new projects will be created according to need and the view of the community (for more information see the section On Politics, Projects and Governance).

Of course, until Quantum2 gains widespread use, we must be practical. The infrastructure to convert Land Units to other currencies already exists and we will connect with it. However, every Land Unit has value and a positive benefit for us and we already started moving towards World 2.0 from day 1.

Even without the ongoing development of additional applications and other parts of the ecosystem, Quantum2 develops as more people join our ecosystem. In this stage and further stages, the more we are and the faster we grow, the more impact we have and the closer we come to our new World.

We should encourage others to use Quantum2 in their life, their own applications and business. This is easier, since inside our ecosystem there are no transaction costs, there is no cost to transfer or exchange Units and the internal system itself is frictionless. To connect outside the system, there is a fee of £/€/$ 1 / A$ 1.6 for purchasing, converting or selling Units which is used to pay costs (while we remain partially reliant on current trading systems) plus any external costs or fees the current financial system imposes on us.

Inexorably as development continues, we will be able to replace each part of the old economy, the old society and the damaged environment with the improved version that we desire.

On Reality

This sounds exciting but people may ask “is this really possible?”. Can you simply increase wealth without needing to work for it? Surely we have such a fundamental social and economic system that you cannot change its rules and structures?

This is a basic misconception. Because we are living inside the system, looking at it from the outside does not come naturally. What we need to know is that both society and the economy are not like the physical world.

This is a basic misconception. Because we are living inside the system, looking at it from the outside does not come naturally. What we need to know is that both society and the economy are not like the physical world.

Essentially, we do not need to accept the current economic, social or political reality, which was forced upon us by the nature of simply living within it. As our Quantum2 ecosystem develops, we also need to use the current system less and less. As we create our own reality, our possibilities are limitless. That is what we are doing with Quantum2 and this is the chance it gives us.

On Rules and Restrictions

In the current system there are too many rules, too many restrictions and too many limitations. Humanity was not meant to live in such a cage and most of us feel these constraints and frustrations. It may feel safe, but we can never reach the stars when we are tied to the ground. The best alternative is not anarchy. It is a self-regulating system, self-regulated by us. It is an informative system, which gives us the knowledge to understand choices and decisions we make, but a system where we do have the choice and it is our own choice, not a choice forced upon us.

On Politics, Projects, Society and Governance

Alternative is not anarchy. It is a self-regulating system, self-regulated by us. It is an informative system, which gives us the knowledge to understand choices and decisions we make, but a system where we do have the choice and it is our own choice, not a choice forced upon us.

It is fair to conclude, therefore, that all types of social/political systems based on a governing body or individual do not work. We need a new system. A system which removes all politics, committees and power hungry individuals and does not rely on any of the existing options nor create yet another variation of the same, which will follow the same pattern and lead to similar problems.

It must be a system which removes the possibility and the benefits of corruption. A system which does not elevate anyone based on skills like Plato’s Orator nor those who lie to the people to protect themselves or their interests.

It should be a system which is truly global without limitations or biases due to nationality, race, status or wealth.

We have named this system Hetocracy – a Human-centric, Engineered Technology-based democracy.

On society, it is a system which does not require working to achieve wealth, so there can be no fear of losing one’s job and therefore ability to survive or feed your family. Jobs can be freely changed by the worker or in certain circumstances, the populace, due to desire, success or due to not meeting the goals that have been set to achieve a result, without personal loss save self-actualisation, in itself a positive drive, spurring excellence. A system where the concept of wealth provides for all and there is no need to compete for material things, only to compete healthily to improve your own skills, intelligence, fitness, ability.

On governance, to remove politics and yet achieve progress, the system is based on development and practicality, not empty words. At a high level, development is defined by projects which are achievable over realistic timescales. The projects are conceived by the need and suggestion of ourselves, the community. The projects are then defined and those people who are interested to complete those projects manage the project. They do not do this for money, which is not necessary, but because they are interested to see that work completed. Everyone has an equal chance to be involved and conceive or be part of a project. The projects are documented and available for prioritisation by equal voting, electronically and intelligently. Everyone may read the details of the project, the manager, any team members, its benefits and after showing they have understood its goals, consequences and results, may vote in favour and give a priority for completion. The system regulates and monitors these processes online. Subsequently, the project is managed, monitored and its progress is displayed. Where progress is not met, there may be a change of the project team based on voting by those people interested in the project progress, based on the people who are interested to be involved and the skills they have.

When there are insufficient people to be involved, or insufficient priority, the project is by definition not sufficiently valuable at that time and may be undertaken later.

Once each project is completed, the development has been achieved and the benefits are gained for all.

At a daily level, for example with self-regulating work, agreements may be made between ourselves directly as users of the system and any rules that have been previously created may be updated by anyone seeing a flaw or a better way of working, which may then be approved rapidly by others. Problems are solved directly and there is thus little frustration from the limits of a rules or procedures which hold you back or cause consternation. Thus there is little lag from top-down, hierarchical systems and improvements and practicality may be introduced quickly and effectively.

This is all part of the Quantum2 ecosystem.